Mittwoch, 07. April 2010
Wiederaufnahme von "ein Warngedicht" diesmal mit englischen Übertiteln (Dates)

Termindatum: Samstag, 17. April 2010 Startzeit: 20:00h
Enddatum: Samstag, 17. April 2010 Ende: 21:30h
Hier alle Termine:
17.04.2010 / 20.00 UHR / 22.00 UHR / HAU3
18.04.2010 / 14.00 UHR / HAU3
mit engl. Übertiteln
Filmmaker and director Tamer Yigit has spent six months as a guest at the Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Schule in Kreuzberg. At the schoolyard he had conversations with teenagers about their everyday-life at secondary general school. Their experiences, aspirations and questions are the basis for "Ein Warngedicht" (A Warning Poem). Along with their young actors Yigit and Prlic speak about and against drifting off into a system which rests on principles of inclusion and exclusion. "The small sounds of blasting plastic-paper bubbles that Tony twists in his impatience, the time Knut sometimes takes to formulate a sentence, the dosage of silence and noise: In this timing lies the poetic quality of the play. It is called "A Warning Poem", and why it warns is easy to discern: the fear of being downgraded could become true. Pupils are haunted by this. Their only figure of defence is that of the warrior, as it is mentioned in the final poem of the play." (taz, 4 October 2008)
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